An Unnecessary Distraction
A little context or background on the Havlar story, or the idea that helped grow the seed into this beautiful ride we're on now. I know Daryl and Tom have their own story on the inspiration, but I'll provide a little insight into mine (Kyle) and maybe you can relate?
We all have those 'ah ha!' moments. Whether its something small like drinking and deciding to get McDonald's at 3:00 am or something large like coming up with a brilliant business idea in the shower, the 'ah ha!' moments are a thing of beauty. That little mental light bulb flicker, or wheel that starts a motion.
For this quick story, we were sitting dockside in Gravenhurst, admittedly a few beverages deep and catching up with my family who were visiting from Long Island, New York.
My cousin plays professional lacrosse and unfortunately his team was recently robbed while on the road. Long story short, they were on the field doing what they love, and someone else was in their change room, riffling thru their personal belongings. Cell phones, wallets, watches, ear pods, glasses etc, all taken.
Now, this isn't your average pickup game, it's a professional lacrosse team but it really just goes to show you it can happen anywhere? How many people have access to that 'locked' change room? How many people have made copies of those room keys for this purpose?
But then I thought what do I do when I'm playing the ‘highest level’ of competitive beer league hockey out there? I take my cell phone, wallet, keys and watch into the change room, but my secret is to store them under my used underwear in my hockey bag. Part of me thinks if they want to go thru my dirty underwear, they deserve my stuff, but, that's not right? Why do I think like that? Even sitting on the bench, it’s often a sigh of relief when you can see your change room just to monitor anyone going in and out, but that's not what I should be focusing on?
Every year I also play in a charity hockey game for mental health and because of the late start time, my team usually puts valuables into a No Frills plastic bag to bring to the bench. Afterwards, it’s always a bit entertaining when you replace your buddies iPhone X with your old iPhone 6, but really it’s too bad the change room environment can’t be trusted and we’re forced to resort to plastic bag security...
“I realized there had to be another way!” ~ Frank Costanza
And then the ‘ah ha!’ moment. There is a better way to keep your valuables safe and Havlar was born, your portable security buddy. Take it with you to enjoy your passions and focus on your crossovers, your starts and stops, whether to go glove side or blocker and not whether your valuables will be where you left them when you get back.
We strive to allow you to go anywhere with confidence.
If you can relate, we want you to be a part of our journey. All you need to do is
Stay safe out there : )
Visit our Facebook page @Havlar, or on Instragram @havlargo